24 March 2007


We got the call! We really have 3 passports and can buy plane tickets to go get our kids! It's weird. We've waited so long for the call, and now that we got it, we almost can't believe it. First, we got a passport for Garty. Weeks later, Patty (aka Superwoman) managed to get our passport applications processed, so it couldn't possibly be much longer (or so everyone thought). Then our travel date came and went with no news. But now, we're really ready to pick up our kids. It's crazy. We were starting to feel like this whole thing was some crazy dream that would never end.

So, it looks like we'll be arriving in Liberia April 11th or 13th. We won't know for certain until the travel agency reopens on Monday. We're thinking of putting their number on speed dial so we can be the first call they receive that morning.

The down side of all of this is that we're going to arrive home 2 weeks before Peter leaves for Uganda and Kenya for 12 days! We're both really stressed about the situation, but the conference he's going to is really important and no one can go in his place. We just need to keep reminding ourselves that God knew how things would work out before we even knew about our kids, so He must have it all figured out. We'll survive... somehow. We recently discovered a beautiful thing called Skype, so Peter will be able to call home on the computer once or twice a day for free (while he's at the conference center). He'll probably have a few days away from internet service when he'll have to pay to make cell phone calls. Either way, he'll stay in close touch so the kids understand that Daddy is away, but he's coming back. And hopefully Mommy will still be sane when it's all over.


Anonymous said...

Praise God! It's worth missing the Ben & Jerry's free ice cream day. Let us know how we can help out.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! At last! By the way, Skype is great. We've used it almost every Saturday to talk with Jonathan and it's the next best thing to being there. We'll have to make plans to come down for a family visit when we all get back in the states.
lots of love, Fran

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!!! I was at the Women's Retreat when when the glorious news was announced. To see the room explode with rejoicing. Becky, I wish you could have seen the beaming faces of your sisters. Hearts were leaping all over the place with happiness!!! I am so excited that this point of your journey is here. I will be praying that the rest of your plans just fall into place devinely.
Much love and delight,
P.S. I have 150 toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste if you can bring them with you to the orphanage

EEEEMommy said...

And there was much rejoicing!!!!
We are thrilled for you guys! God is so good.

Anonymous said...

How awesome! I am almost in tears - I'm so happy for you! I was just telling my co-worker that when you have kids, you have to "let go and let God" ... I am thrilled that you will soon find that peace in your life with your new family! -Trisha

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that the passports finally came through!! I bet you can't wait to finally be with your kids!!

You probably don't remember me, but I'm Katie, Mauri Smith's daughter-in-law (Mike's wife). Mauri gave us the link to your blog awhile go and I've been following your story ever since. I can't wait to hear about the kids when they get home! :c)

Twichie said...

Praise God for His timing is perfect! We are SO excited and so happy for you ALL! The kids only have a short time longer to wait and you will soon have your babies in your arms! Praise God! He is SO GOOD!

You let us know if you need ANYTHING for this trip. Anything at all...we mean that! We'll have it there as quickly as the mail runs from Texas to PA!

Love you! ALL of you!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. Jackee and I couldnt wait to see each other on sunday so we could tell each other. Love you and God bless you Coleen and Jackee

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC!!! We'll continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. (Thanks for the continued updates via the blog.)

Jon and Leanne

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say how absolutely wonderful it is that you are finally going! Yay!! I'm sure you've been flooded with offers of help, but if there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate to call. I'm so excited for you guys! Hallelujah! (And you'll make it... we all do. It's the ride that makes it worthwhile.)