01 February 2007

adoption financial update

It feels absolutely wonderful to announce that thanks to many of you, Life International, Open Hearts-Open Homes, and many unexpected surprises, we now have every penny that we need to complete our adoptions and bring our kids home!! It truly is a miracle. We went into this process knowing that we could never come up with the funds we needed on our own. However, we also knew that we were supposed to do this. So if you've ever thought that maybe you're supposed to adopt one or more kids, but you didn't think you could ever afford it... think again! Maybe God has some miracles in your future as well if you take some steps of faith.
We're also excited about a creative adoption fundraising effort we just learned about through another Acres of Hope family. Read their cool story and challenge and please consider making a $1 donation to change a family forever. We know as well as anyone that you have tons of people asking for your money, but we all have $1 and a few minutes to take this challenge and see what happens.

1 comment:

Dono & Laurie said...

Thanks so much for putting our link on your blog. It is so true that adoption is a step of faith. I thank God that He is still making the impossible, possible! Congrats on getting all your funds together. Now all you need is your kiddos sleeping in those bunkbeds!
Thanks again-