14 January 2008

crisis in Kenya

We should have posted last week to request prayer for our friends in Kenya and the stability of the nation during this difficult time, but we figured we're better late than never. If you haven't been following the situation, Peter wrote a Prayerlink that summed up the situation well as of a week ago today. Although the violence has lessened over the past week and things have been a bit more "normal," the issues are far from resolved. You can check out this Wall Street Journal article for the very latest as of a few hours ago. It indicates that this week could be another tumultuous one. Please pray for God's hand in this situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We recently received a letter from missionary friends of our who serve in Kenya at a hospital and the news was frightening. They are in the process of adopting a baby girl there and if they have to flee they cannot take her with them. Please pray that that won't happen.