17 February 2009

housing issues

The landlord of the new house for the Liberian refugee family isn't moving along as fast as we'd like. He told us a week when we signed the lease last Thursday, but he isn't even coming to start work until tomorrow. And that's if he shows up. He originally told us he'd be here yesterday. We'd appreciate prayers that the family will be able to get into their house soon. I'm about to lose it here. They're nice people. It's just that there are 10 of them. And they don't know how to use the bathroom in a sanitary fashion, so I have to wipe the toilet every single time one of us needs to go. And they don't have any sense of personal property, so they use our personal stuff. (Peter found curly black hairs in his razor. It's probably best not to think too long about that one.) And they wash their muddy shoes in my sink when I'm distracted, so Peter has to get a plumbing snake and unclog the drain. And they aren't gentle, so they break things. (I no longer have a tip on my very expensive and previously thought to be indestructible Cutco paring knife.) And you get the idea. It's not their fault. They don't know any differently, and they're not used to being indoors for any length of time. I'm just worn out and ready for them to spend the day around the corner instead of in every corner of my house. So I guess I'm saying that you can pray for a quick move into their new home and my sanity between now and then.


Jamie said...

I will keep everyone and your sanity in my prayers. It will all work out.....it will all work out...it will all work out...

Anonymous said...

Oh my Becky that is too funny!! I just have to inform you that CUTCO's are lifetime warranty, but the razor well that should be left for the garbageman to deal with. Hope you are having a bit of a better minute because I think that is all you will get is a few seconds of sanity.LOL My cutcos are missing all of their tips after 11 years of 3 boys using them!! not sure for what but I know it was NOT to cut meat or each other thankfully.

All 8 of Us said...

Just stumbled back here...i can't even imagine the level of stress!! The video of the kids dancing cracked me up b/c our Liberian dtr dances just like one of them does...Will pray for the Lord's sustaining grace to carry you and to hold up your house! Just think of all the crowns you are earning in heaven!!