23 August 2007

getting ready for kindergarten

We finally heard today that we received approval for Joshua to start kindergarten at the school we requested! We're so thankful. We have to reapply each year for this exception, but we assume that it's just a technicality. It would be cruel to arbitrarily force kids to change schools. So now we're officially getting ready for school. Next week we will both go with Joshua to kindergarten orientation. We're also taking a big shopping trip to pick out a special lunch box. Then school starts the day after Labor Day. We've been talking about school all summer, but now we're talking about it constantly. Joshua seems excited, although he has asked several times whether we'll be at school with him. Please pray with us that his fears will not prevent him from enjoying the school transition. We really think he'll thrive in school if we can convince him to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys. I once read in a parents' magazine about a mom who helped her daughter prepare for the preschool separation by role playing for her. She took her daughter's backpack and acted out going inside, saying goodbye, and saying, "oh, my mommy has to leave now, but i'll have fun and learn lots today, and she'll be back later to take me home." I don't know if the daughter practiced it, too, but the mother said she definitely was listening because it's exactly how her daughter acted when school-time arrived.
Maybe you can use this idea with Josh, too. (Also tell him when you're leaving--never slip away quietly or he could feel betrayed.)
--from Melissa, old King's Kids camper