04 January 2007

very, very tentative timeline

Becky got a call from Donna at AOH today. Though they are still guessing, they think we'll be travelling to Liberia in February to bring our kids home. The passport office is currently working on the passports that were submitted with the Sept/Oct group. Ours were part of the Nov/Dec group. The guys in Liberia did mention that the passports aren't always coming out in order, so we could get our passports sooner than expected. That means you can pray that our paperwork gets put in the wrong pile and issued early. However, as long as Garty stays healthy, February will come quickly enough. In fact, our excitement is mixed with a bit of panic as we realize how soon February really is. This adoption has taken so much longer than we imagined, so sometimes it doesn't even feel real. We're getting ready, but sometimes we're not trying that hard because somewhere deep down we're not sure the kids will ever come home. So knowing that things could happen faster or slower than we expect because we're dealing with Africa, we're going to work on last minute details and keep the month of February open on our calendars.

1 comment:

Twichie said...

We're praying for you! God bless your whole family. :)